Un monogramme pour des mégissiers

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Monogramme artisans cuir

5 mégissiers du sud de la France se sont réunis pour mettre en commun des savoir-faire autour du cuir et trouver de nouvelles pistes d’innovation.
Il nous a été demandé à cette occasion de créer un monogramme illustrant ce groupement. Représentatif d’un savoir-faire traditionnel bien ancré dans notre monde contemporain, le monogramme a été dessiné à partir de 5 initiales qui se chevauchent et où certaines parties d’une lettre servent à une autre.
La vocation de ce monogramme est d’abord de servir de signifiant commun pour ces 5 entreprises et est utilisé de différentes façons en fonction des produits issus de ce groupement d’artisans (flocage, griffe de marque en métal, marquage à chaud, etc…)

Five tanners in south of France met to share know-how around the leather and find new ideas of innovation.
We were asked on this occasion to create a monogram illustrating this group. Representative of a traditional know-how deeply ingrained in our contemporary world, the monogram was designed from five initials overlapping and where parts of a letter serve another.
The purpose of this monogram is first to serve the common meaning of these five companies and is used in different ways depending on the products created from this group of artisans (flocking metal claw marks, branding, etc.. ..)


Monogramme en métal sur article en cuir

Monogramme marquage cuir

2 Commentaires

  1. I love this almost-lost art! I once erbmoidered a monogram similar to the SB illustration on a tie for my father. I was inspired by examples and instruction in The Complete Encyclopedia of Needlework, by Theresa de Dillmont, written and illustrated in the 19th century, still being reprinted today. On a recent trip to Italy, I visited a lace museum on Burano (an island off Venice). The needle-made lace was full of rich ornamentation providing inspiration for decorative elements in my graphic design work. We can find fresh ideas everywhere, if we are open to them.

    • Hello Jimmy, thank you for inspiration. I gonna try to find “The Complete Encyclopedia of Needlework, by Theresa de Dillmont, written and illustrated in the 19th century”.
      You’re welcome here.

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